Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  South Carolina senate candidate Alvin Greene received 328000 votes [28 % ].For those who do not know him, Mr. Greene ,and unemployed ,indicted ,ex marine who lives with his dad, ran no campaign ,no bumper stickers ,no press conferences  nothing. He was asked to give a 45 min. talk to the NAACP and ,in his only public appearance ,managed to speak for 7 min.When asked about cap and trade,he asked what it was.

  What in the world does this say about the voters who voted for Mr. Greene? I can only hope that they were protesting their choices.If they really wanted Mr. Greene to represent them in the US senate,we have a very serious problem in this country. We need to take responsibility for our future.

1 comment:

  1. If you want something similar look up Rand Paul who just became our senator from Kentucky. He would like to do away with the Civil Rights Act, the Diabilities Act, the Dept. of Education (no pell grants for our students)Dept of Articulture
    (no more help for the farmers, Balance the Budget, and do away with the IRS and put in a national sales tax of 23% on everything and make the deductible for Medicare $2000 a year. He has never run for office before he is an eye doctor
    who ran as a republican and is really a tea party member. But some people could only see that he would balance the budget. They elected him to the Senate (God Help Us) so now let's see what these people can do when they really find out how the government is run.
